Acupuncture point xue hai

Acupuncture point Xue Hai (SP 10)

Acupuncture as a Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) has been practiced over thousands of years. It requires insertion of thin acupuncture needles through your skin at strategic points on the body. TCM practitioners believe that there are more than 2,000 acupuncture points in the human body. All the points are connected by meridians, and they are responsible for overall health. One of the most important acupuncture point is Xue Hai.

What is Xue Hai?

Xue Hai is a normal acupuncture point located on Spleen channel of Foot meridian. The meaning of the name: Xue means blood, Hai means ocean which also refer to large objects. There are femoral artery, vein muscle branch, femoral cutaneous nerve and femoral nerve muscle brand spread near this acupuncture point. Xue Hai is mainly used for gynecological diseases, skin problems related to too much hot and medial femoral knee pains.

Moreover, this is a good acupuncture point to enhancing the energy flow-Qi. It could convert blood into Qi energy. Xue Hai is often accompanied with San Yin Jiao. This acupuncture point is the spleen blood gathering place. Lots of Qi and blood fulfill here. The Qi has higher concentration.  

What are the benefits of doing acupuncture on Xue Hai?

Xue Hai could help with the following problems:

  1. Irregular menstruation, dysmenorrheal, amenorrhea and other gynecological diseases.
  2. Implicit rash, eczema, erysipelas and other skin problems caused by blood heat
  3. Medial femoral knee pains
  4. Sores caused by blood diseases
  5. Blood circulation
  6. Hives

There are more other problems this acupuncture point could deal with. If you are interested in it, you could visit an acupuncturist in your area and have a discussion with him/her. 

How acupuncturists do acupuncture on Xue Hai?

Usually, acupuncturists would accompany San Yin Jiao point with Xue Hai point to deal irregular menstruation. And they also use Qu Chi with Xue Hai to deal with implicit rash and eczema. Compare to moxibustion, the practitioners prefer to do acupuncture on Xue Hai because there are many heat gathering at this point. Using moxibustion could be more irritating. 

Use acupuncture needles

Acupuncturists will use acupuncture needles and insert them straightly into Xue Hai for about 1-1.5 cun to the locations with knee flexed, 2 cun above the superior medial border of the patella on the bulge of the medial portion of quadriceps femoris (vastus medialis).

acupuncture needles for sale

As conclusion, Xue Hai is really an effective acupuncture point. You can massage Xue Hai every day before sleep to keep healthy and calm down your mind. However, if you have any problems that we are mentioned above, it is better for you to go for a therapist such as acupuncturist. You do not have to worry about acupuncture needles, high-quality needles are very sharp while smooth. These two characteristics indicate that you will not feel any pains during acupuncture needle insertion.

If you want to do acupuncture, it is important to find a reliable acupuncturist to help you. We recommend It has good environment while the acupuncturist is professional and friendly. About the acupuncturists in Clinique Laval, Xiao Lei Wang is a professional TCM therapist with Quebec registered acupuncturist license. He focuses on helping patients with Traditional Chinese medicine including acupuncture, moxibustion and cupping therapies. You can find more about him on his own acupuncture clinic website. You could also book an appointment on the website. 


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