4 Must-have essential oils to help relieve headaches and migraines naturally

4 Must-have essential oils to help relieve headaches and migraines naturally

Headaches have many causes. Things like stress, fatigue, allergies, hormones, nutrition, posture, low blood sugar, and alcohol consumption levels c...
Lierre Resistance bands best exercices bands for home gym

Where to Find the Best Resistance Bands in Canada

Just because the gym’s closed, it doesn’t mean you have to stop working out. So many of us found this out at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Yo...
Best Essential Oils for Pain, Chronic and Acute

Best Essential Oils for Pain, Chronic and Acute

Pain is inevitable in life. The way it gets in the way of living, however, is problematic. In those moments, relief is most important. A lot of us ...
5 Key Differences Between Sanitizers and Disinfectants

5 Key Differences Between Sanitizers and Disinfectants

Sanitizers and disinfectants are not the same thing. Unfortunately, a lot of consumers misuse cleaners like these. It’s important to recognize the ...
What is Castile Soap?

What is Castile Soap?

‘Castile soap’. You may have seen the label before on supermarket shelves. Long a staple in environmentally-friendly cleaning, castile soap is a mu...
What is A Body Butter?

What is A Body Butter?

Body butters are a beautiful thing. They often get compared with body lotions and similar products. The truth about body butters though are that th...