Organic essentail oils

In the search for disinfectant sprays for COVID-19, many found them sold out at local stores. Homemade Lysol disinfectant cleaning sprays, fortunately, are just as effective and can be manufactured at home any time.

Why You Should Make DIY Disinfectants

Toxic chemicals like Lysol and bleach can cause headaches and serious health complications with long-term use.

Switching to a homemade all-natural cleaner DIY-style is a lot less risky and more manageable.

Let’s be clear. Any time you want to make an essential oils disinfectant spray like Lysol, effectiveness is key.

Ideally, you want to come away with a non-toxic cleaner that is powerful, natural, and with the scent of your favourite essential oil.

In performance, it should disinfect, sanitize, and deodorize, while killing mold and mildew.

What Essential Oils Can I Use in Homemade Disinfectants?

Choose an essential oil with disinfectant properties already in it. Look for ones that are antibacterial, antiviral, antimicrobial, antifungal, antiseptic, and naturally deodorizing. Avoid essential oils which are potentially toxic or not meant to be used in this manner.

What essential oils can you use for a disinfectant DIY you make at home – here’s our list.

  • Peppermint
  • Tea Tree
  • Eucalyptus
  • Lavender
  • Rosemary
  • Geranium
  • Cinnamon
  • Lemon
  • Clove
  • Orange
  • Thyme

How to Make Lysol At Home

Step 1 – Fill a spray bottle with alcohol that with a concentration of at least 70%. Ethanol or isopropyl alcohol is recommended.

Step 2 – Add a half a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide. This will aid your alcohol-based disinfectant inactivate the viruses it comes in contact with.

Step 3 – Add your essential oils. A lot of DIY artists like to mix essential oils together. An oil combination certainly can work to craft an absolutely incredible smelling DIY disinfectant at home.

Step 4 – Mix well.

How Much Essential Oil Do I Add to Homemade Disinfectant?

You can play with the amount of essential oil you want added to your DIY disinfectant with essential oil.

Let’s say, you use a 16 oz. spray bottle. Assuming you want to combine 2-4 oils, add 15-30 drops per oil you’re adding.

How to use a DIY disinfectant is to spray it, give it 3-4 minutes to disinfect, and ideally let it dry. Always shake your bottle before using. Be sure to let the disinfectant sit. If you spray and wipe away immediately, the result will be a surface that is only partially cleaned.

May you be tired with alcohol based hand sanitizer, try to create one with essential oil now, or choose hand sanitzer with essential oils like Bleu Lavande hand sanitizer


Essential oils on Black Friday deal in Canada are available from this month. While gathering supplies for your DIY homemade disinfectant, find dozens of unique oils you can use. Personalize your recipe. Make it smell like you! Essential oils are a necessity in any homemade cleaners you intend to use to deodorize. Select yours today.

Black friday dealHand sanitizerOrganic essential oils

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