Shop facial massae silicone cupping set at lierre

Facial Massage Silicone Cupping Set (with a brush) from Lierre Canada

Use the silicone brush to gently exfoliate your skin, and the set of silicone cups to massage away lines and wrinkles! This set will make a particu...
Clear Silicone Cupping Set, 6 cups from Lierre Canada

Clear Silicone Cupping Set, 6 cups from Lierre Canada

Silicone cups are made of medical grade silicone, a material that’s odorless, pliable, flexible, watertight and durable. These qualities ensure t...
buy silicone cupping pack and balm set from lierre canada

6- Silicone Cupping Pack and Balm Set from Lierre Canada

Best silicone cupping for cellulite treatment!  The silicone cupping set comes in a reusable, durable canvas gift bag that is perfect for storing y...
silicone cupping size shop lierre

What silicone cupping size do I need?

What silicone cupping size do I need? As cupping becomes one of the most popular alternative therapies, people are interested in doing home cupping...
why does cupping leave marks?

Why does cupping leave marks?

The marks are the most common misunderstandings concerning cupping therapy and that is also the reason why some people are afraid of trying cuppin...

How Does a Silicone Cupping Set Work?

Cupping therapy works by bringing fresh blood to the area and improving circulation and is widely used for aches and pain relief for reasons descri...