What is an essential oil diffuser for?

When you’re buying an essential oil diffuser in Canada, do you know what to look for in specifications, features, and type? A heavy dose of aromatherapy can do wonderful things however when you don’t have a diffuser to get the job done proper, you may find you’re not receiving the best effort.

 LED Wood Grain Ultrasonic Diffuser Gift Pack

First and foremost, if you’re having any trouble with essential oil diffusing or in finding the right diffuser for you, eliminate any model that isn’t ultrasonic. We’re going to be honest. Diffusers traditionally use heat to spread the scent of an essential oil. Heat however has its drawbacks. Beyond the possible safety hazard it presents, heat can also damage the chemistry in an oil. If you’ve chosen a low quality, cheap essential oil diffuser and it’s not ultrasonic in design, rest assured you’re probably not getting the full effect of your diffuser.


The next thing you want to look for is control. Do you have a set-in timer so that you can adjust how long to diffuse your favourite essential oil? Is there an automatic shut-off function which prioritizes safety? Does the bowl have a large capacity that satisfies the amount of oil you want use? The best essential oils diffusers are those equipped with the ability to give you control over your essential oil experience. Price isn’t the only thing you want to look at. Cheap doesn’t mean low quality and expensive doesn’t mean high quality. Look at the model. Does it have the features, controls, and functionality you want?

 Aladdin’s Lamp Diffuser

If we’re being honest about aromatherapy diffusers, there are a number of unique, creative designs out there. From Lierre.ca for example, you will find ultrasonic diffusers made with a wood grain aesthetic, equipped with LED lights, tagged with a humidifier function, have a shape of Aladdin’s lamp, that are tall, that are short, that are circular, that are made from 3D glass, which are fully made from glass, and which even come including essential oils. What do you want a diffuser in your home to look like? If it doesn’t match what’s around it, it may look unexpected, out of place, or it just won’t fit.


When discussing diffusers and aromatherapy humidifiers, the last couple things to mention are quiet operations and being easy to clean. With essential oils, you need to clean out diffusers now and again. If it’s a struggle to do, you’ll be less inclined to do it and this means you’ll end up less likely to use it. This is another reason why ultrasonic diffusers often prove to be superior to other diffuser types. They are very easy to clean, as if there wasn’t already enough reason to call ultrasonic the best essential oil diffuser there is.


Browse dozens of essential oil diffusers from Lierre.ca. Choose what suits your preferences and what’s important to you. All of our models are certified, work fantastic, and will fill your home spectacularly well with the essential oils you so desire. Grab your favourite diffuser today.

DiffuserDivine essenceEssential oil diffuserOrganic essentail oilsUltrasonic diffusers

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