Recently, there has been a switch to simple, minimalistic and natural skin care routine. Why? Because people are more aware of the bad stuff that contains in certain creams, serum, toner, and you name it all. We are shifting away from congesting our face, and to clog our pores. But, have you thought how great you can help your face, by doing certain things such as Jade Rollers, and Gua Sha tools?

Here are few reasons why you should get these adored tools to give yourself the perfect facial massage:
- Minimize the Appearance of Pores
Pores are not our friends, they are ugly, but they are part of everyone’s face. Some are more apparent than others, and some you can clearly see their blackheads. Clearly a big concern for certain girls. Use a crystal roller because real crystal helps to retain the coldness in itself, if you apply with the cooling effect, it will minimize your pores. But, before that, open your pores by steam, and then make sure you wash your face properly, and then pass on your favourite crystal roller to close your pores. This is the best way to properly decongest your skin.
- For Facial Lymphatic Drainage
Gua Sha and Crystals Rollers are the best tools to accentuate on certain areas in your face. If you do a light movement on your face, you can easily help the better blood flow on your face. If you roll or scrape towards the lymph, your skin will thank you for it!

For people who suffer from oily skin, it is because we overproduce oil, and that can be caused by many factors: Diet, Skincare Routine, Location. And to help that, you should definitely avoid dairy food, and greasy and fried food. You can definitely use those crystal skincare tools to balance your skin. You will not only have a better texture, but it will have its own natural glow. Crystals are known for their purifying, healing and balancing properties.
This bring me to the healing part of the crystals. Certain crystals have its brightening and healing properties such as the Rose Quartz, it definitely will help your acne and acne scars to heal faster.

I say brighten, but not whiten, and many people would misunderstand. It is just helping your skin to have a better skin complexion, and to make it seem glowier than you have now. Many people would be very concerned about their under eyes, but there is a perfect one for you! The Rose Quartz Mushroom Shaped Eye Treatment is ideal to use under eye, and it can definitely depuff your skin, I definitely recommend you to try this tool! It is important to take care of your skin, and definitely to work your facial muscles to avoid pain, impurities and tensions, just like when you go to the gym, a good massage will make your muscles way more relaxed, and heal faster!