shop cupping treatment at lierre canada

What is Cupping Good for and What Conditions can it Help Treat – Read Here!

Cupping is traditional Chinese medicine, akin to acupuncture and natural herbs. Although cupping’s lesser-known, it’s in the same collection of tr...
How Does Silicone Cupping Therapy Work and What Does it Help

How Does Silicone Cupping Therapy Work and What Does it Help

Cupping is a 3,500-year old form of healing that’s been used by cultures ranging from Middle Eastern to Chinese, Egyptian, and others. Believe it o...
Cupping reduces cellulite

Can Silicone Cupping help Reduce Cellulite?

As we age, here comes the dreaded cellulite! If you’ve recently found some cellulite on your body, it’s no reason to panic. Cellulite is something ...
Does cupping cause bruises

Does Cupping Cause Bruising?

DOES CUPPING CAUSE BRUISING? We will answer this question with another question: Do you easily mark? If so, you will be more likely to have br...
Cupping bruises

How Long Does It Take for Cupping Bruises To Go Away?

For cupping treatment, it is now believed does not leave bruises per se, but rather an evidence of toxins and unwanted liquids present in the body....
Silicone cupping treatment

How To Sanitize Your Silicone Cupping Set Properly?

How To Sanitize Your Silicone Cupping Set Properly? Cupping is a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that has became one of the most popular alterna...