What Are the Differences Between Gua Sha and Facial Rollers

What Are the Differences Between Gua Sha and Facial Rollers

Crystal and gemstones have been accepted as a must-have facial tool. They keep the skin looking young, vibrant, and tight when used right. There ar...
Cupping therapy

How to Do Silicone Cupping for Beginners

Cupping isn’t a fad. It’s here to stay. Once a form of pure traditional Chinese medicine, the cupping techniques used today have been adapted to su...
What is A Crystal Elixir Water Bottle

What is A Crystal Elixir Water Bottle

Health and wellness water bottles are pretty, popular, and marketed in a variety of ways. Unfortunately, they don’t always meet the mark on quality...
What Are the Different Gua Sha Shapes Used For

What Are the Different Gua Sha Shapes Used For

Gua sha is a type of derma abrasion therapy that uses a variety of tools to scrape the skin, producing a healing response naturally. Gua sha can be...
What Are the Benefits of Yoga Blocks

What Are the Benefits of Yoga Blocks

Students of yoga looking to take their fitness regimen to the next level, yoga blocks are a tremendous addition. Simple and effective, yoga blocks ...
See the Benefits of Hand Grips And Hand Strengthening Rings

See the Benefits of Hand Grips And Hand Strengthening Rings

Are you looking to increase your hand strength – hand strengthening rings are portable and effective at getting it done. You may have seen hand gri...