Crystal Healing

Why Crystal Water Bottles have Become 2019’s Status Symbol
Crystal healing isn’t just pseudo-science or the next trend for Instagram yogis to grip on. Crystal healing has caught on in a big way in 2019 and...

What is Gemstone Water?
Human beings need water to survive and yet, so many of us know very little about the power water contains. Water has a sizeable energy storage capa...

How to Use Rose Quartz Facial Rollers
Rose quartz facial rollers are one of the biggest trends currently happening in the skincare, wellness, and beauty industries. Although any of seve...

How Crystal Water Bottles have Become 2019’s Status Symbol
There’s no shame in loving crystals and crystal healing anymore. Everyone from Hollywood celebrities to Instagram influencers and Canadians from al...

What Happens When you Drink from a Crystal Elixir Water Bottle – Read On!
Crystal elixirs are all the rage on Instagram. Used by celebrities and influencers, crystal-infused water purporting to give you everything from en...

Get to Know the Benefits of Crystal Elixirs in Canada
Crystal elixirs have been used in the past couple years, featured on Instagram, social media, and talked up by celebrities from all backgrounds. Cr...