While some kids are afraid of acupuncture needles, cups seem very interesting for them to play with. They are curious about cupping therapy because cups will suck on their body through negative pressure. Like one of the children described:”They are like octopus!”
But cupping is not only interesting and attractive for kids; it also has a lot of benefits for kids. Some of the very general common effects are increase in kids’ height and weight, increase in appetite, increase in body strength against infection disease and reduction in behavioral disorders. These general effects are according to an investigation on 8000 files. In this investigation, 93% of the kids’ immune system is strengthened after experiencing cupping therapies. There are also other effects that could be observed such as increase in remembering ability, increase in concentration and attention rate, increase in sleeping quality, and other benefits. After getting to know the benefits of cupping, the question is how to do cupping therapies on kids? Tools:

Therefore, more and more therapists choose to use cupping therapy for toddlers and kids. As kids’ skin is very sensitive, therapists sometimes would not use fire cupping therapy on kids to avoid high temperature. Plastic cups and silicone cups are more used for kids. Between silicone and plastic cups, we would recommend silicone cups as they are transparent and easy to adjust suction level. And two of the biggest advantages of silicone cupping sets are it is much softer and more unbreakable than plastic cups. Cupping Area: Back, Shoulder, Arms, Legs Cupping Method:
- Stationary cupping
Put silicone cups at the area you want to do cupping and leave it for 10-15minutes. Adjust the pressure and observe the cupping area to adjust cupping time.
- Moving Cupping
Apply lotions and put silicone cups on the area you want to do cupping and lift the cups a little bit to glide around the cupping area.
- Flash Cupping
Put silicone cups at the area you want to do cupping and remove it quickly. Put silicone cups back on the skin again and remove it quickly. Repeat the above two steps several times. Cupping is a great treatment options for kids. But if you are not sure about cupping therapy, we recommend seeing a licensed acupuncturist for this technique, as they can diagnose different issues and apply the technique safely. You can find a laval *licensed acupuncturists at
acupuncture-clinic.ca As the patients we are treating right now are kids, who are not willing to lie down on the table for 15 minutes. We recommend using fruity aroma lotions such as BAMBINOO from L’Herbier for these little patients to attract their attention and comfort them. In order to have both silicone cups and fruity aroma lotions, you can purchase the kids’ cupping set from Lierre which contains 3 small size silicone cups and 4 trail size lotions. You can bring this set with you to anywhere. In addition, this set is not only suitable for kids, adults can also share this set. *Licensed Acupuncturist: About the acupuncturists in Clinique Laval: Xiao Lei Wang is a professional TCM therapist with Quebec registered acupuncturist licence. He focuses on helping patients with Traditional Chinese medicine including acupuncture, moxibustion and cupping therapies. You can find more about him on his own
acupuncture clinic website. You could also
book an appointment on the website. All rights reserved for
Lierre Blog.