Hand Sanitizer

When You Can’t Wash Your Hands with Soap and Water, Use A Hand Sanitizer
A hand sanitizer that’s portable, antibacterial, and antiseptic can be just as effective as thoroughly washing your hands with soap and water.

Sanitizers or Disinfectants, What’s the Difference
Sanitizers and disinfectants serve two very different purposes. Unfortunately, they’re often confused or used interchangeably.
Sanitizers reduce b...

What's the Difference Between Using Rubbing Alcohol and Hand Sanitizer
Sanitizers have become a common item in a lot of households who are aiming to reduce coronavirus spread. We keep them in our bags, at our desktops,...

Can You Make Your Own Hand Sanitizer At Home – read here on how!
A hand sanitizer really only needs a few ingredients to work. From a DIY perspective, you can make a clean hand sanitizer at home in less than twen...

Are You Having Trouble Buying Hand Sanitizer During COVID-19? Shop Online With Lierre.ca
Where do you find the best hand sanitizer in Canada for COVID-19 – not on retail shelves, evidently. Looking for even a store-brand hand sanitizer,...