Massage Supplies

What Massage Supplies You Will Need as a Professional Massager
A massage therapist relies on a lot of different massage supplies to allow them to perform to their potential. As a professional, to an extent, you...

What is a Massage Bolster Used For and How to Pick One
You may see the term ‘massage bolster’ and think, what’s that? Massage therapists use supplies like bolsters all the time to enhance their practice...

Starter Pack – Which Medical Clinic Supplies are Essential
Are you interested in starting a medical office or clinic? It could be a physician’s office in Ontario, or a clinic with therapies like chiropract...

Top Massage Oils, Creams, and Gels to use for your next Massage
If you’re a working adult in this day and age, it’s an unrelenting fact of life that your body’s probably in dire need of a massage. They provide c...